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Re: graphics of crossfire.

Excerpts from games.Crossfire: 23-Sep-93 graphics of crossfire. Mark

>  Also, in doing so, the color of the object in the archetype file might
> become meaningless, since the pixmap would have its color pre-determined,
> and could not really be changed like the bitmaps can be.  I don't know
> how big of a problem this is.

By color pixmaps, I assume XPMs are what you mean.  In this case, you
can use the "symbolic" color facility to reference the colors which
should be changed.  F'r example:
a potion would have all the color's predefined apart from the color of
the liquid which would have the color "potioncontent" (or a similar sort
of system).  Then when displaying the image, you grab a copy of the
pixmap with the potioncontent defined to be the correct color.

I believe you can do this with XPM.  Not totally sure of the mechanism,
though.  Might cause even more slowdown.

Nick Williams                          E-mail:  (MIME and ATK)
Systems Architecture Research Centre,  Tel: +44 71 477 8551
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