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Re: A quick draft of a preliminary proposal for a possible version of the crossfire protocol

>>>>[From Carl Edman]
    Maybe I'm a little slow today.  A player with axes reversed will either  
    see a mirror image world or a world rotated by 180 degrees.  But such a  
    world makes perfect internal sense.

Nope. Actually, some multiple-square constructs
(like shops, and "big_wiz") depend on axes being the "proper" way.

    Here I disagree.  What you are proposing is just a variation of the  
    client-side LOS scheme ...


    OK, let me propose a compromise.  The server will not know or care what  
    kind of color hardware the client has.  However the client can REQUEST  
    not just PIX and SND types, but can request the types BW1, BW2, BW3, ..  
    BW8 to receive black and white XPMs of one to eight bit planes and CO1  
    to CO8 to receive color XPMs of one to eight bit planes per color.

To use one of your arguments back at you.. do you _really_ want to
"support" 8 different kinds of display for each and every item face?
that's a lot of (anoying and unneccessary) work.

8-bit greyscale systems have default dithering from color to what they
have got. less capable systems will have to deal with black-and-white.
It's their fault for buying inadequate hardware.

[Ergo, I say, "color", or "b&w" selection only, just to be explicit.]