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Bug report: problems with the artifacts code

A very strange thing is happening with the artifacts code.

I can change one number in the lib/artifacts file,
and the difference in server behavior is dramatic.

Basically what happens is this:  one number change in
lib/artifacts causes crossfire's memory to become corrupted.
What happened is that the LibDir variable got overwritten
causing crossfire's load to fail.

The number is from a 4 to a 3 of the 'value' field in the
artifacts field
value 4

value 3
causes the memory to get corrupted.

My suspicion is that this is due to an undocumented constraint
that the sum over all members in a type of (1/value) has to be
less than 1.

I'm not sure of this, however.

Could some of you guys with better debugging tools than me
check this out?

Try changing value fields in artifacts to lower than they are.

