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Re: adding maps

 If you are adding old maps, and want them part of the standard distribution,
a few hints follow:

1) Make sure the maps follow the recommendations of the doc/mapguide
document.  The point of this document is to try to keep at least a mininum
quality of maps

2) Try to keep the map names organized.  Many of the old maps are stored
as something like 'map.1, map.2', or other non-descriptive names.  Try
to fix this, and make subdirectories as appropriate (for example, cities,
with the maps in the directory or below it.)

3) Playtest the maps if all possible.  This is how bugs are often noticed.

4) If working on maps that belong to a city, and that city is mostly
empty, consider moving that map to one of the existing cities.  There is
no reason to have 20 cities, each with only a few open buildings.

 I will gladly take maps that meet this criteria, and merge them in with
the standard map set.
