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Re: cheating & LOS

>>>>[From Carl Edman]

    The server does not tell the client what to draw when and where.  It  
    tells the client what it sees.  Where it sees nothing because it is  
    behind walls, it does not send map commands.  The client knows for what  
    areas it has received map commands and it only displays those.  Those  
    areas which are not mapped in, it can display whatever it wants and it  
    doesn't need any instructions for it.

Ahhhhh. I see. I don't think you explicitly stated that somewhers before
[although the server DOES "tell the client what to draw an when". you're
 just fiddling with semantics :-)]

I guess that makes your method a bandwidth win, at the expense of some
server time.

    BTW, you are a very strange person.  Less than an hour ago you attacked  
    the proposal in email for telling the client what items are in plain  
    view.  You claimed that obviously I was just trying to make it "easy"  
    for players.  Now you criticize the protocol for not telling the client  
    what is located behind solid walls.  Is there any consistency to this ?
Certainly. If you ignore cheating, it doesn't make it easy for players,
abnd makes it easier for server programmers :-)

[As with www, it is MUCH more important to have a 100% solid server.
  There are many clients... (lynx, mosaic, chimera, www-for-next, ....),
  Each have their bugs. That's to be expected.  But if the server is
  messed up, everyone loses.]