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Re: Crossfire client (and Re: Patches, ftp, new releases. )

>>>>[From Mark Wedel]

     The other type is things like gates going up ball, fireballs expanding,
    with the flame burning down, etc.  These are ones were they occur for
    a short amount of time, and then become static (or disappear).
     The second are a little more difficult, because you need to make sure
    that the server and client are synchronized in what they think should
    be displayed.

Good point. Since they are one-time things (and usually not very bandwidth
intensive, even), i think it should be just handled as standard updates.
(server informs client that square hs changed to bitmap x-14)

As for the fireball thing.... erm... those things can get really
annoying, and bandwidth eating. Perhaps a better bethod of displaying
area effect spells could be thought up, for a more intelligent client.

Something along the lines of specifying a poligon?

Oh: side note: some spells should overpower others.

For instance, a medium fireball should overpower an ice storm, in the
fireball's area of effect.
On the other hand, a large icestorm should overpower a fireball, in the
ice's area of effect.

I THINK this would simplify the polygon issue, depending on how it's

Rule #1: spells should not be able to go around corners, I think.