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Re: Map ideas
- To: Tero Haatanen <>
- Subject: Re: Map ideas
- From: "'Evil' ERic Mehlhaff" <>
- Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 23:25:42 -0800
- Cc: crossfire (at),
- In-Reply-To: Message from Tero Haatanen <> of Fri, 18 Feb 1994 19:47:25 +0200 <>
Tero Haatanen <> recently wrote:
>From: "'Evil' ERic Mehlhaff" <>
>> In all of the crossfire map setups I've seen, there's a _lot_ of 'closed'
>> buildings and so on. I think it'd be cool to have all the empty city
>> buildings and houses connect to a generic city/house/building map.
>No. I strongly disagree. Since all those generic/whatever just are
>copies and noboby doesn't want to play ten times same house when
>there is so many new maps. I prefer that all those closed exit are
>removed from maps. And new houses were created when there is actual
>some map where it leads. Currently seems that people first design
>large areas and after that make few maps and most areas are just
>empty. This isn't meant to be a flame, just my personal opinion.
Well, I think it'd add a hell of a lot to the 'virtual space' of the world
of corssfire. If you're concerned about people not knowing it's really
just another boring 'generic' map, it'd be simple to have all the generic
maps have an entrance message saying something like "You have just entered
yet another boring house."
It'd easy enough to turn off the usage of the generic maps from the
server, I think it's worth doing.
>About "." and "..". If we leave out generic maps, "." would be
>shortcut for current map name and easy implement. ".." is an interest
>idea, but not sure if needed. When the new area is joined to game
>area you need edit exit leading in that area anyway, so another way
>isn't that hard with current editor. And you probably want check
>that area anyway.
Let me show a prime example of where the '..' exit path would be useful.
Peter here made up a really cool dungeon where its entrance level
basically was a tower in the middle of a field. Ideally, you'd like to
have a ring of exits completely around the tower, so that once players
leave the tower on the map, no matter which way they go, they'll exit the
map instead of reaching the edge of the map. To do this, you'd need a
every exit square pointing to where the map actually exits to. If you
want to link this map into a difference place in your crossfire world, you
have to change every single one of these exits with the map editor. But
if the exits pointed to "..", not a thing would have to be changed in
the map file.
Of course, you kludge the same effect -- have all the exits around
the edge point to "." x 0 y 0, and then have a single exit in that corner
that points to the real exit. But that's a real kludge and still requires
map editing to move the map.
Oh, did I mention that the 'generic map' thing could be used for
encounter maps nicely?
ERic mehlhaff,