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Re: various ideas...

David M. Fisher writes:
>I've had a few ideas about some aspects of crossfire, and I was wondering if
>anyone has done work on them, or if perhaps the group decided they were
>infeasible, etc.
>1) Player information directories, not just a file.  In this directory would
 How about this:
  - Every player have one 'family' (all characters under it have same
    surname, like Vanhala)
  - make directory with surname
  - in directory is savefiles for various characters (like Jam, Jari),
    general data (like keys, desc,...) and possible home-map
  - only one character of family can be in game
  - login asks fullname to resolve character

>2) About the player's home:
 Make 'Portable home kit'-item and applying that makes house (exit
that leads to home-map) at allow-home -place (home-plane -map?).
