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Re: Further notes about 0.90.1.

"'Evil' ERic Mehlhaff" writes:
> I see this working is that in the archetypes, you can specify something in
> their entrance (slaying) field for whatever, say /generic/house.  If, in

When I tried to create some items it was very annoying because every
field is used for so many different things. It would be quite easy to
add some more keywords to archtypefile parser so it could contain
different keywords for all different things and parser would then put
the stuff after keyword to some field in archtype-structure. Parser
could also check that any of the fields is'nt set twice etc. There
should at least be some kind of document of all those different
settings you can set for different kind of objects. Perhaps there
should be better "language" to define archtypes, maps etc. 
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