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First off! MARK! you did a GREAT job with the merge......I have never had it
compile so easily! :> Glad to see the build World is fixed again :>

ok. I have taken a very very brief look over of the new server....IT LOOKS

The only thing I have noticed as a "bug/feature" is in button.c......a 
regular button does not open a trigger_gate...and a trigger_button doesnot
open a regular gate....very minor.....can fix that in about 10 mins :> 

So just wanted to mention that the Chico maps i put up on ftp will seem to 
have a lot of their buttons/altars/gates broken.....that is due to the 
feature above :> 

Again Cudos to mark for taking the inititive on this....he has done a really
really good job :> 
