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Re: Playing Crossfire

>   When are we going to start maintaining a FAQ?  

When you get excessively annoyed at newbies :->

> Anyway, to play crossfire via telnet:
> >xhost
> >xset +fp tcp/         (This will make loading quicker)

Wish I could get this part to work - xset keeps crashing here on a bad
opcode, doesn't matter if I get the fonts via fstobdf or try your
fontserver.   *sigh*  And it's not like I can ask the sysadmin here for
help, seeing as there's no legitimate reason I'd need to change something
with xset other than games :P

> >telnet 13326
> Trying ...
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> set font

And another question... what other types of "sets" are there?  The online
help (IE: 'help <command>) doesn't work on any command I've looked for indepth
help on yet, including "'help set".
 Vlad_K-Fuchida - BT3056 MUSE, 321st ComGuard Grenadiers     | PGP Public
         MagLev - Shadowrun MUSH, Constructor                | key available
 Silver Samurai - UVic Oggsquad (Summer INL Team)            | via finger
          Krenn - Shire of Ramsgaard, Kingdom of An Tir, SCA | and keyservers
      GE: d- -p+ c++++ l u+ e+ m---(++) s++/ n h* f+ g+ w+ t++ r++ y?