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Re: compiling error (bug in apply.c)

 It is a bug in the code.  treasure is also a structure name.

Apparantly, gcc gives precendence the the object *treasure, where
as your compiler gives precedence to the structure.  Here
is a patch:

*** 1.37        1994/07/04 08:21:13
--- apply.c     1994/07/09 03:07:59
*** 912,918 ****
      return apply_container (op, tmp);
    case TREASURE: {
!     object *treasure;
      if(QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_UNPAID)) {
        draw_info(op,"You should pay for it first.");
--- 912,918 ----
      return apply_container (op, tmp);
    case TREASURE: {
!     object *treas;
      if(QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_UNPAID)) {
        draw_info(op,"You should pay for it first.");
*** 923,944 ****
      prevents people fromt moving chests to more difficult maps to get better
!     treasure = tmp->inv;
!     if(treasure==NULL) {
        draw_info(op,"The chest was empty.");
        return 1;
      do {
!       remove_ob(treasure);
!       draw_find(op,treasure);
!       treasure->x=op->x,treasure->y=op->y;
        /* Changed (0.91.2) - always drop treasure to floor (needed for
         * trap code
!       insert_ob_in_map(treasure,op->map);
!     } while ((treasure=tmp->inv)!=NULL);
      /* Done to re-stack map with player on top? */
--- 923,944 ----
      prevents people fromt moving chests to more difficult maps to get better
!     treas = tmp->inv;
!     if(treas==NULL) {
        draw_info(op,"The chest was empty.");
        return 1;
      do {
!       remove_ob(treas);
!       draw_find(op,treas);
!       treas->x=op->x,treas->y=op->y;
        /* Changed (0.91.2) - always drop treasure to floor (needed for
         * trap code
!       insert_ob_in_map(treas,op->map);
!     } while ((treas=tmp->inv)!=NULL);
      /* Done to re-stack map with player on top? */

 You will probably need to use patch -l on this.
