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Re: CF:Bug in spell Polimorph

Inge Berg Fenstad <> recently wrote:

>Have discovered that when you cast the spell polymorph
>items laying on the groud become changed as well as monsters.
>This means that you can create any artifact you want just by
>do some changing on more available items.

In nethack they call it 'polypiling' and I think it adds a lot to the
game.  Of course, in nethack, objects would transorm into objects of like
type -- i.e. rings turn into other rings, armour into random armour, etc.

And, or course, occasionally metal (or stone) would all combine together
and form a golem, and a rather upset one!

>Bug or nice feature :~)

Feature. The only bug is in the frequency of appearance of 'rare' items.

 Eric Mehlhaff,