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Re: Crossfire on HP9000 (fwd)

On Tue, 7 Jun 1994, Christopher L Hooven wrote:

> These are the error we get when tring to compile on a HP9000/700 with HPUX 9.0
>  crossfire-0.91.0># xmkmf
> imake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/local/lib/imake
> cpp: "Imakefile", line 58: warning 2006: Parameter holes filled with a null stri
> making Makefiles in ./doc/spoiler...
> Make: line 387: syntax error.  Stop.

In HP, there may NOT exist any comment marks or line continues
by slahes in rules or in commands ! This means the out-comments
and the long depency lines.

Reason is, the output of HP cpp has equally same amount of lines
as in input; the /* */ lines are replaced by empty LINES, which
have meaning in make.

As a fast (relative :) fix there can do; "make Makefiles" and
then look the Imakefile in breaked dir and nuke the out-comments
and join the continued depency lines together.

This modification should be include the next release.

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