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Xpm and rplay[d].

I have a few problems with the above mentioned additions to Crossfire.
(1)	Xpm
	A few "undersquares" (the tiles below the character) cant be seen,
	ex: shops/houses, grass etc. and also those you can see have a 
	tendency to go along with the character when he moves, ex: roads.

	Why? and what do I do about it?

(2)	Rplay[d]
	For some reason I can't get Crossfire to play the defined sounds
	and I have the rplayd up and running. Do I have to pass a special
	option to Crossfire on startup (cant find one) or? I have played
	sounds using rplay so there is no error in that setup.

If anyone have any experience in these topics I would be glad if I had
a few letters to read in the morning.

Thanks, /Eneq