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Re: Crossfire comments

 I believe one reason it is desirable to have magic weapons lighter is that
your weapon speed then increases.  Thus, a person with a 2 kg dagger can
swing it a lot more often than that person with a giants club that weights
40 kg.  You do need to factor these to choose your weapon.

 One problem with identify scrolls is that you might get one item identified,
or you might get 5.  If you have a reasonable charisma, these scrolls
probably cost about 75 gp each.  So they may or may not pay for themselves.

 I found that overall, finding that really good item once in a while pays
for all the ones where I just identify +1 and cursed items.

 Luckily, with detect magic, you at least know what should be identified,
and can sell the other stuff beforehand.

 One possible identification method could be something like identify
altars, where you drop a certain amount of goods (money or food or
whatever), and it identifies one item.  Whats a good price?  It should
probably be cheaper than a scroll.  Maybe 20 gp?  This way, if you have
a very high charisma, scrolls will be cheaper (ie, maybe only 50 gp), but
with a scroll, you might average 2 or 3 items.  As such, at a certain
point, scrolls may become cheaper.

 The advantage of an altar would be that it never runs out.  Where as
shops often run out of scrolls.

 I'll try adding such an item, and putting it in the starting town mage
