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Re: Stats and Races

Frank Tore Johansen writes:
> good answer.  Instead I've tried to add penalties, like limiting
> spell-point regeneration.  If this isn't enough then sure, go ahead
> and add a fumble chance for the heaviest armours.
> The same goes for items...if you want only mages to use a specific
> wand, then require high int to avoid fumbling when using in instead
> of just disallowing it.  The world isn't black and white...

If you add special spell fumbles so that fumbling a spell can be very
deadly (anything from casting random spell up to teleportting to
random place at random map). Your GM in Rolemaster created his own
special failure chart that have about 70 special failures, and i think
most of them could be put to crossfire too. Those fumbles include such
things as delayed spell (spell effect is delayed for some time), wrong
direction, size modification (larger or smaller area of effect),
reversing spell, spell affecting the caster, spell hitting the nearist
friend, character being stunned for some time, constant spell (this
causes mage to permantly loose the powerpoints used to cast spell
(quite usefull if the spell happens to be some kind of healing spell,
but usually quite useless) etc.

If the fumble range is quite large then spellcasters will think twice
before casting spell that they don't know well enough. And if using a
armor raises the fumble change quite a lot mages usually wouldn't wear
armours, at least when casting spells.

PS. I think we should take some roleplaying games as a model instead
of nethack etc.
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