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Re: Weight

Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:
>> Uhm - something should be done about the weights... It is not unusual
>> that people carry around 10 times their own weight.
>> I think that we can simply decrease the amount carriable by a
>> player. A Str 18 character is just too strong, I think. I mean - you
>> shouldn't be able to walk around with a plate mail, a mithril armour,
>> a high shield, the Excalibur, Holy Avenger etc. etc. without being
>> hampered.
Rupert Goldie replied:
> But let us not forget that Crossfire is a game and that playability is more
> important than realism. Maybe players can carry too much, but I don't think
> we need to reduce it too much.

Also, if as some people seem to want, crossfire comes out of AD&D and not real
life, perhaps we should remember that AD&D stats are intended for heroes, as, I
think, crossfire characters should be. In AD&D, the _average_ stats are around
9-12 and those are described as 'real people's stats' and characters (depending
on the method you use to roll up characters) stats average around 15 (same as
crossfire). I think it says more about this in the AD&D Players Handbook (well
it does in mine, which is pretty old - the original hardback A4 book).

In the end, do we want crossfire characters to be restricted to 'farties', or
do we want a game where we can pretend to be heroes?
(for those not British, or who haven't come across Ben Elton (or Motormouth),
'farties' are average people - non-models and non-stars!),

|    _|--|_    |   Disclaimer: I've got a degree and maybe 1/3 of a PhD.   |
|     (\/)     +--------------------------------+--------------------------+
|      vv      | However, I still know nothing! |            |