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Notes about 0.90.2

I got crossfire-0.90.2 compiled and installed here. Here is some comments
for next version. Make install seems install many unneeded files to libdir.
Here is some of them.

lib/bmaps.paths		These are only needed with arch-directory 
lib/		Maybe better just include in arch.tar and
lib/		not in main distribution?

lib/rplay.conf		Looks like Frank's rplay configure file ;)

lib/xbmtobdf.c		Needed to build font.

lib/adm/flushmaps	What mapindex ? :)

Also there seems have many scripts in bin, which could be checked and
installed in adm if needed.

One map (maps/mcz/Navar_city/illusion/illexit1993) seems have a newline 
as the last char. This can be deleted since it's just a copy of illexit map.

All PLAYER_COLOR defines can(must?) deleted in login.c, since color is
saved in object not in player struct.

New input system seems interesting. But mapinfo command and most help 
files seems to be missing. Maybe it would be better if all help texts 
would be in one file? 

crossfire -h shows -m option even if it's undefined from config.h.

And there seems be the same problem that  pointed out.
Maybe you could send patch so we don't need fix the same code?
