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Re: fighters & magic

+--- Scott Wedekind:
| On the contrary, I foresee fighter classes starting with half
| strength spells.

But still - you make the effectiveness of spells dependent on level,
and not wisdom/intelligence. Also, you want to introduce code which
treats the classes differently. We want to avoid that, don't we?

An unrelated suggestion - limit the pluses magical items can give you
to an additional +5. That way a barbarian can't get better stats than
  Str 29, Dex 26, Con 28, Int 19, Wis 24, Cha 23, and a mage
  Str 25, Dex 26, Con 24, Int 27, Wis 26, Cha 22.
See, those classes are still pretty similar...

This will actually help barbarians, since mages tend to stack up on
+Int items. (two Int +2 rings, Helmet of Brilliance (+2), some sword
(can have +3!) == +9). Even if you don't find cool combination rings
(Str +2 magic +1, anyone? :-), you can still wear shields, girdles,
bracers and boots with special effects.

Kjetil T.