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Re: Crossfire 0.90.3 is released

"'Evil' ERic Mehlhaff" <> writes:
> FOr a while I was using the following shellscript as a replacement 
> to the crossfire 'client':
I've been using this for the people at andrew:
#!/bin/sh -x
echo "New and improved no error checking crossrem"
xset fp+ /afs/andrew/usr3/ea08/cfont
if [ a$DISPLAY = aunix:0.0 -o a$DISPLAY = a:0.0 ]; then
(echo "add $DISPLAY";sleep 300;echo "quit") | telnet 13326
But it's no where near as nice as I'd like it to be.
"It seemed like a good idea at the time"
           -The Mad Hatter
"Yes, you're very smart.  Shut up."
           -In "The Princess Bride"