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Re: crossfire spoilers now on WWW

On Wed, 16 Mar 1994, Simon McIntosh-Smith wrote:

> A fully html'd version of the crossfire spoilers for version
> 0.90.3 are now available at the Cardiff site:
> When I say fully html'd it's a bit of a lie, because the spoilers are
> largely made up of tables, and the latex2html converter cheats with
> tables by just turning them into inlined gifs. Oh well! Interestingly,

Yep, waiting for the table feature to the html. Fetching the pages
is quite slow to the Finland due the number of gif's. Otherwise
it looks very good.

btw. How about documenting overall in html ? Have everyone access ?
(needs X and internet, which in case of crossfire is quite obvious). 

> the html version of the spoilers is less than 500Kbytes, while the
> full postscript version is nearly 2Mbytes.

This maybe for that the images are coded in postscript much more
losely (in hexa-codes) than in gif:s.

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