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Re: map contributions

There are already has many good hints about making maps. Here are some
more. First play the crossfire and see what kind of maps there already
are and look the good sides about them. Before starting making your own
maps, read doc/mapguide, it has many good advices. And always remember
test all maps and let your friends test them also (they don't know
all traps what you know :). And remember the plot. And one good building
is better than empty town with big magic shop :).

> I would like to do that.  Just tell me what kinds you think are needed the
> most, and I'll work on it.

If you can draw you can always desing new bitmaps/pixmaps. I think these
are always needed. You don't even worry about archetypes if you don't
want, there is always someone who can make archetypes for them. And if 
you see somewhere bitmap and think that you can do better, just do it.

BTW. I have got bank/graveyard code almost working and need badly different
bitmaps, like different gravestones, crosses, monuments, coffins, (shovel 
and open grave, if making it little harder) and the unused grave square. 

Also different containers are also needed, like locked chest, pouch, quiver
(sp?) and banks deposit boxes for coins. Most of these I could use 4 version, 
normal (i.e. closed and empty), open, full and close container version.
Of course you don't see if chest is empty or not before opening it.

I hope there is someone who could draw these, I'm hopeless what comes to
drawing :(. If someone can help, drop me a mail. It would also make testing
much easier.
