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Re: xpm slow?

>>>>[From Mark Wedel]

     Instead of calling the XpmCreatePixmapFromWherever function for all
    2000 or so pixmaps, create a large montage of pixmaps (stored as something
    like crossfire.pix1, crossfire.pix2, etc.)

"good" idea.. solves colormap problems, and a few other things..

one thing that is rather NASTY is... how do you _create_ it?
that's a HUUUUGE file. completely unmanageable with pixmap, or xpaint, or
anything else.

You'd have to write a fairly intelligent routine to take a collection of
pixmaps, and put them into a single xpm file.

On the brighter side, once you HAVE the routine, you only have to
distribute the "One True Pixmap", and then released will be nicely
standard :-)