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Re: xpm slow?

	Using Xpm over fonts does not neccessarily have to produce
slow down. It just so happens that X can treat fonts differently than
it can treat images. If we were to optimize the xpm code a little more
I know we could get it nearly as fast as fonts and deffinatly
playable. Awile back, I worked on a multi-player gauntlet type game it
used the Xpm libraaries so it was fully graphical. 
It was client/server allowing multiple players. The graphics screen 
was also 600x600 the graphics animated and were clipped using 
shapes. I achieved refreshes of about 5-10 frames per second and 
my bottleneck was in the client/server communication not the 
graphics display. Now I did some optimization of the way I
displaed things but the same is possiable for crossfire. To assume
that using a fully color graphical map display for crossfire will make
less playable is not true. The code is just not fully optimized yet.
