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Re: xpm slow?

Philip Brown <> writes:
> I disagree. The reason pixmaps are slow is because of X overhead.
> the reason fonts ar quicker is because of font mechanisms to reduce X
> overhead.
> With client/server models, there wil be NO X overhead. hence no problem.
All client/server will buy you is not having the X stuff running over
long-haul networks; you'll still be doing X stuff to the local
machine, which should have about the same performance as running
crossfire and displaying it on the same machine.
One substantial slowdown to xpm stuff is the fact that it draws
multiple objects in a pile instead of just drawing the top object.
This will cause it to be slower than fonts.
Can we make it as fast as fonts?  No.
Can we make it close?  We'll need to check.  It just feels slower, and
this is on a relatively fast X machine (sparc2 w/gx)
"It seemed like a good idea at the time"
           -The Mad Hatter
"Yes, you're very smart.  Shut up."
           -In "The Princess Bride"