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Bitmaps problem in 0.90.3.

  I have only just joined this list, so don't know if this problem has come
up before :

I have just installed crossfire 0.90.3 on a Sparc 10/52, under SunOS 4.1.3.
Apart from a minor problem with having an old XPM library, it compiled
ok, and seemed to install ok. I also installed the 0.90.2 maps.

The problem is : crossfire runs ok, and the maps seem ok, but with the
wrong bitmaps - eg cobblestones appear as heads of some monster, 
a helmet appears as a flock of bats, etc.

Can anyone tell me what is wrong, and how to fix it ? 

(if you reply quickly, I may not be subscribed to the list, so I would
appreciate it if you could send a copy to my e-mail address (below) ).

Thanks in advance, 

David T Cook   e-mail:    Phone: +61 8 303 5709
Assistant Computer Manager, Stats, Pure and Applied Maths, Adelaide Uni.