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The crossfire meta-server

The projenitor of the first crossfire server now brings forth YAPH
(Yet Another Perl Hack).  Yes, it's the MetaServer.
Try telnetting to 8245
You can find out how many people are currently playing on my server.
Of course the game is so slow remotely, it's unlikely anyone will be
playing, but hey, you never know.

What do you need to do this?
The new version of  Available from 
The patches to the server which cause it to output useful information
so I can track when people come in and out of the game.
They are available as metaserv.diff from the same place.

You need to change some of the variables at the top of the program to point to the right places in your

You need to put and in the crossfire lib
directory.  Those two files are in the utils directory of the latest

Once you set it up, your meta server should automagically contact my
meta server and they will begin communicating.  Has this been well
tested? No.  If it works, please send me mail.  If you have problems,
send me mail.

It is likely that the metaserver will get confused about the number of
players from time to time.  I haven't decided the best way of keeping
this information correct.

Good luck, and enjoy the new toy.  Don't ask how I got the port
"It seemed like a good idea at the time"
           -The Mad Hatter
"Yes, you're very smart.  Shut up."
           -In "The Princess Bride"