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ftp site (more)

 One thing I neglected to state in my previous message (and which several
people have seemed to ask), is why change the primary site at all.

 The main reason is this.  I am located in the U.S. (near San Francisco,
California to be more precise)  As such, the connection speed to
the ifi ftp site can vary.  In some cases, I may be fortunate to get
as fast as 2K/s.  In other cases, 200 bytes/second might be all I get.
A lot depends on what time I try to do the transfer.

 At, I should always be able to get fairly good transfer
times.  Plus, the administrator there will set me up with proper
permissions so that I can put the files in the proper place, and I imagine
also delete old files or whatever else (Right now, when I transfer to
ifi, I upload to the incoming directory, and either Frank or Kjetil relocate
it to the proper place.  I also assume that they do some file removal.)
I have no problems with them handling the ftp.ifi site, as long as they
are willing to do it.

 However, I don't think anything can really be done to improve the
speed of the connection between here and ifi.

 This described the reason I sent out the questionaire.  If most people
use the ifi site, then I'll keep that as the primary site, and deal with
the speed inconvenience.  If most people use the site, then it
would make sense to have that as the primary site.

 I've talked to the administrator of the Australian site, and he says that
he has no problem changing where they mirror from, if it does change.
So no matter what happens, it should not affect those who use the
Australian site much at all.

   Mark Wedel