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Re: More maps

Let multiple spells be cast upon a player but let the durations accumulate, 
not the effects.


> I agree that you should be able to use fire resistance spells and dexterity
> spells at the same time (just an example), but I don't like the idea of people
> using multiple strength spells (again, for example) to max a stat! If a spell
> is in effect, the most logical way to reverse it, without inventing a whole
> class of 'reverse' spells, is to make a 2nd casting of the spell nullify the
> original casting.... i.e. terminate a levitation spell early by casting
> levitation again!
> This method keeps the number of spells down, and keeps their application a
> little more logical.
> Just my 2 penneth! Ben.
> p.s.
> Btw, I also like the chico maps alot - there is plenty of expansion capability
> - check out the dragon exits and the large ships in the harbour area of
> /city/city if you want to add new areas - like I have done (well, it's still
> under construction). I'll eventually put these somewhere where other people
> can try them. :-)
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |    _|--|_    |   Disclaimer: I've got a degree and maybe 1/3 of a PhD.   |
> |     (\/)     +--------------------------------+--------------------------+
> |      vv      | However, I still know nothing! |            |
> +--------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------+