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Re: fighters & magic

Philip Brown did scribe:
>>>>[From Rupert G. Goldie]
>>  The problem with this is that plenty of people still play Crossfire
>>  solo, so it is not possible to have a whole party.

> Well... what about NPC's? :-)

> or to be more fair, Mercenaries.
> You would loose some amount of gold, and the normal split of experience
> for parties.
Something I'd like to see would be horses, donkeys and other pack animals
which could increase carrying capability and long distance speed in the
wilderness areas, but have to be left somewhere safe when the character enters
a dungeon area -stables in town like taverns? horse-box-to-reality?
This might present a better way to carry large quantities of booty than by
allowing characters to carry 1500-2000+ lbs if they are strong enuff!

Think on! :-) Ben.
|    _|--|_    |   Disclaimer: I've got a degree and maybe 1/3 of a PhD.   |
|     (\/)     +--------------------------------+--------------------------+
|      vv      | However, I still know nothing! |            |