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CF: /tmp filling up

I just had a problem with 0.91.0 not erasing files in /tmp.  It filled
up the 8megs and then continued to run, but the server started
displaying error messages.  I quickly made my way to a tavern and quit
(the players directory is on another partition), but now anytime I try
to load that character, it crashes the server.  I think there's
several problems here:

1.  /tmp isn't properly cleaned up.
2.  The server doesn't detect or deal with a disk full problem gracefully
	(unless there's another reason for the corrupted player file).
	Ideally, it should expire maps early if /tmp fills up.  Also, it
	should be configurable to use another directory from the command
	line (if it isn't already--I haven't checked).
3.  Slightly corrupted character files crash the server (I'll make the
	character file that is doing this available to anyone that wants
	to debug it).

A truely stable server should never crash on a bad data file--at worst, it
should refuse to load the character.

Another problem (which may be the reason behind the character crashing the

4.  The server complained about an unknown archetype when I learned the
	spell "rune of transferrence."


P.S.  If everyone uses "CF:" at the beginning of the subject line, we
would all know that it came from this list--it's very helpful for those
of us without filters and on several lists.

P.P.S.  I'm running under Ultrix 4.3.  I had to write my own strdup()
function to get this new version to compile.  It seems that there were
a lot of changes that made it less portable.