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Improve weapon scrolls.

 I've taken the recent postings describing how to work with them, added a
few more, clean them up, and put them in the Survival Guide file.  It might
belong more in the spoilers file.  But here is what I have:

Improve item scrolls:
        These are used to turn non magical weapons into magical weapons.
        These magical weapons can do many things - improve stats, have
        lower weight, higher damage, etc.

        For each improve scroll & prepare weapon scroll, at least 10 food
        and 5 booze must be on the ground.  How much the ability is raised
        depends on the amount of item donated, with each scroll requiring
        that something be donated.  Here is a short list:

        Prepare weapons: Diamonds (Gems) are required for the sacrifice.
        The item can be enchanted the square root of the number of diamonds
        sacrificed.  Thus, if 100 diamonds are sacrificed, the weapon
        can have 10 other enchant scrolls read.

        Improve damage:  The square root of the number of rubies determines
        how much the damage will go up.  Weight is also increased.  The
        maximum damage a weapon can ever do is 70.

        Improve weight:  The square root of the number of pearls determines
        how much the weight is reduced.

        Improve Stat (ie, Strength, Dexterity, etc): The sacrifice is the
        potion of the same type as the ability to be increased (ie, Improve
        Strength requires strength potions).  The amount increased is the
        square root of (sacrifice/2).
