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Re: Rewrite (was Re: Classes, Race, Experience proposal)

On Fri, 27 May 1994, Mark Wedel wrote:

>  well, no one is forcing anyone to get always get the newest release.
> Just as easily, if you find it tiring to get a release every 2 weeks, just
> get every 4'th release or so.
>  I really don't want to deal with patch files that fix various bugs.  Because
> then those also need to be on the ftp site, so that when someone gets a 
> player version, they can fix all the fatal bugs.
>  I never thought that there was any real problem with a release every
> two weeks.  IF people would like less frequent releases, I can do that.

The two weeks frequent is quite ideal. It might be even one week, but
there may then be problem to gather the reasonable amount of patches
to the release.

The short releasing frequency is essential because crossfire is
in development state, dome by net princible. With long releasing
frequency there might be happen, say, other crossedit-0.7's :) 

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