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Re: Rewrite (was Re: Classes, Race, Experience proposal)

In message <>, Scott MacFiggen writes:
>In message <>you write:
>>A lot of stuff needs to be cleaned up some, so it is easier to understand.
>>And in fact, I think a lot of the code right now is in pretty good shape.

>	One of my major beefs with crossfire code is the wasted
>space.  It seems whenever someone adds a new feature, they add a new
>entry to the object structure, stuff like that.

  Hmm.  I've found myself forced several times to add stuff to the object
structure for new features.  What do you propose instead, Scott?  I'd
like to have a better idea.  I think crossfire is far too resource-
intensive, and this may make system administrators more opposed to
having servers running in their machines.
>>Also, any re-write teams needs to work pretty closely together.  Several
>>people working separately probably won't generate anything better than what
>>we have right now.
>	Well, there are quite a few people over here at Berkeley...

  Lots of people here at Berkeley, yes.  We are:  smurf, mehlhaff, peterm,
kenji, raytrace, john, retnuh, mlee, all at soda.  I'm not sure how many
are actually committed to doing any real work with crossfire, however,
and our programming abilities vary.  Personally, I'd rather see energy
devoted to a server-client split rather than a cleaning.  From the silence
about this split on the list, i can only assume it's being completely

