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Re: crashes

In message "Re: crashes", '' writes:

> But there is no real way to know if the color space is available, because
>unless you start getting really smart by looking at the XPM image
>data, there is no way to know how many colors the images actually use.
> Also, as far as I know, the only accurate way to find out if there is
>enough space is to try and allocate the colors, and if it fails, free
>them and perhaps install a private color map.
> --Mark

   Give an option for using private color map.  That way, for those who
are not sure if they have enough memory for the colormap, won't crashes
the server when trying to get in.


 __  __/  /   /   __  /    |   /    Tuan T. Doan
    /    /   /   /   /   / |  /     IEC Layer Testing and Advance Technology
   /    /   /   __  /   /  | /      2201 Lakeside Blvd.  P.O. Box 833871
__/  ______/ __/ __/ __/  __/       Richardson, TX 75083-3871
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