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Re: crashes

In message "Re: crashes", '' writes:

>>Hope there are some patches
>>out there.
>One was posted to this list a few days ago.
>Also, I've just noticed that it will crash the server if I try to start in
>using XPM when there isn't enough room in the colormap.  I haven't seen that
>one in the list of bugs before.

   Yep.  I would say this is one of the most annoying bug.  There has to
be a better way of finding out if the colormap space is available _before_
using it.


 __  __/  /   /   __  /    |   /    Tuan T. Doan
    /    /   /   /   /   / |  /     IEC Layer Testing and Advance Technology
   /    /   /   __  /   /  | /      2201 Lakeside Blvd.  P.O. Box 833871
__/  ______/ __/ __/ __/  __/       Richardson, TX 75083-3871
"It's a kind of magic" -Highlander  Phone: 214-684-4575   Fax: 214-684-3716
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