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Re: servers list

Simon McIntosh-Smith <> recently wrote:

>I can mail the page to this group if there are enough people without
>web access who'd like a look. There are a handful of servers
>detailed on the list that are still working, version 0.90.5 
>being the most popular.
>Please mail me if you run a server and would like to advertise it!
>PS I'll try to keep the list more up-to-date in the future. The
>date that the list was last modified is always displayed on
>the page, so you know how reliable the information is when
>you have a look for yourself...

I just wanted to get your to modify the entry for teh CSUA crossfire
server in your list -- it should point to ''
instead of ''.

They're currently teh same machine, but pointing players to the CNAME
would make moving to better machines a lot easier for everyone involved.

 Eric Mehlhaff,