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Active servers lists?

Er, not to start a "me too," but I would also like to have a list of
servers that are running crossfire; I'd like to play, but I don't have
enough room on my computer to compile myself.  It'd kinda defeat the
multi-player aspects anyway; anyone willing to hook me up with a site
or two?

(")-(")   If the mice are eating more than you are, buy cheaper food.
 (O O)       If they're eating better than you are, eat the mice.
 =\ /= ----------------------------------------------------------------
   *   Jeff Goodson *  * 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 94 19:08:55 EST
Subject: Re: Crossfire 0.91.6 released.

Hey Mark.. How do I get the client to work? I know you want specifics but it won't even start to compile.. accualy when I type 'xmkfm -a' (or something like that :) it gives me a commandline for xmkfm.. weird..

Ohh well.. its proly my end.. I love crossfire :) 

Btw.. do you have a list of servers running crossfire? seems most of the ones I had refuse connection...
