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Re: Client/Server Implementation

My vote for whatt is important:


A more verbose description follows.

Just follow good coding practice.

   1) Stick to the write-up as much as possible.
   2) Implement a minimally functioning set of the protocol, to get it out
      there fast, but bug-clean.
   2.1) Have a very dumb client at first, that only uses the minimal 
        protocol set.

    3) add further protocol items from the list bit by bit, ensuring that
       each of them works as it is supposed to.

A corollary: make it so that a client does not HAVE to know about all the
nifty-special protocol commands available to it. This will make testing
new clients much much easier.

Note that, IMO, the goal is to get it out there FAST, but to ALSO get it
out there _right_.