Crossfire Mailing List Archive>>No, don't do that. The code should handle everything through archetypes >>and not hardcode things in the code. In some maps there might be special >>bow and special arrows just for that bow, or someone can add a sling and >>wonder why a spell can't create sling bullets. > Well, I don't think there will be that many missiles. BOW, CROSSBOW, >SLING, what else? And it's not that hard to track it down. With the >structure being common across all things, it's kind of hard trying to >figure out which fields are available. The BoomTube of Zolga, fires comets and recharges like a rod. Crossbows that fire lightning bolts (not your avg. lightning bolt, but crossbow bolts made of lightning/elec.). The point is, there ARE uses, and one should never hardcode anything like this. That perhaps some generic code could be written that handles all missile combat (wand/staff/rod/horn/bow/crossbow/sling/special) is another matter. - Bjoern - Bjørn Ludvigsen