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Re: Create Missile -- This won't work

>  I don't really want to get into a discussion about the validity of
> the spell.  This will get back to a much larger issue of game balance
> betyween classes, and what to do.

Speaking of which, I think warriors kick mages's butts...

>  What would be the best way is to have a bitmask for the classes that
> each spell can be used by.  Thus, create missle could perhaps only
> be used by the fighter type classes (barbarian, fighter, etc).  And
> spells could be unique to certain classes.
>  But to fix the spell, there are ac couple ways that are good solution:
> For the object that fires the missile, use the other_arch field
> (for a bow, other_arch woudl be arrow.)
>  Or change the race to match the archetype names.  Why the race
> is arrows when the archetype is arrow is at least a little bit of
> a mystery to me.

It's because of the apply bow code which prints you are now shooting
(arrows) with your bow.
or something like that......

Also used for comparrison i.e: bow->race to arrrow->race

>  --Mark