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Monster damage indicators.

 It would probably be nicer to have the 'probe' spell indicate how
badly hurt the monster is (if it doesn't already).  This would then give
some reason for using that spell.

 The other problem I se with adding those indicators has to deal with
new client/server.  Printing those out will probably flood the link
even worse than what happens right now (plan for the present attacks
is to buffer them up, and print them out in bunches (ie, 15 times you
hit beholder hard).  In general, this will be fine (how often do you
actually look at what you are doing?).  However, storing up how badly
hurt the monster is will probably not work especially well.

 But to submit any change, first, it needs to be a context diff
(diff -c).

 It would also be much nicer for the #ifdef's and #define's to have
a meaningful name (something like MONSTER_STATUS, not AKS_HACKS).
