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Re: 0.91.6 segfaults under Linux
- To:
- Subject: Re: 0.91.6 segfaults under Linux
- From: (Brandon Van every)
- Date: Thu, 24 Nov 94 23:21 EST
- CC: crossfire (at)
- In-reply-to: <> (message from Peter Mardahl on Thu, 24 Nov 1994 17:40:43 -0800)
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 1994 17:40:43 -0800
From: Peter Mardahl <>
In message <>, Brandon Van every writes:
>I've been told that the client-server split which is halfway done in
>0.91.6 will speed up a serial link connection a lot. What sort of
>schedule are you folks on, as far as *.7 *.8 *.etc are concerned?
Schedule? We're just a bunch of hackers. If you'd like to help,
why don't you fix that segfault problem you mentioned?
I use the term "schedule" loosely. == Rate at which you tend to
release new versions. For instance, all you have to do is blink and a
new Linux version is released. But it's all done by a bunch of
hackers. :-)
As for the segfault problem, I'll claim some selfishness here. I know
that 0.91.5 isn't usable on my Linux/PPP setup. I'm much more
interested in PPP speed than segfaults. If I knew I'd have a fast PPP
client at the end of the show, then fixing segfaults would be worth it
to me. But from what I've been told, it sounds like 0.91.6 is only
halfway there on the PPP speed issue.