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Re: Developer READ this

 There is a directory called cs_new.  This contains some client side
code (socket reading, and parsing of a few commands I have put in.)  It
also contains the file on the protocol.

 The server is not a separate version - rather, a newsocket (for i/o
to the client socket) and newclient.c file (handles reading some commands,
and putting the appropiate data to the client) exists.

 Basically, I have only done some of the initialziation for the
new client/server.  This includes some the of REQUEST commands for data
(and TRANSMIT commands on the server side.)

 There is a define in the config.h file that enables the basic setup
for the new client in the server.  Basically, if the command sends
a PROTOCL command, the server goes into new sclient mode, and all
subsequent input from the socket is then passed to a function in the
newsocket.c file. (assuming new client support in the config.h file
is supported.)

 I don't know if that answers your question, but should give some idea
what has been done up to now.

But the short answer is, there is not a working client/server model yet.