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Re: Classes (Was: Misc thoughts)

In message <>, Laurent Wacrenier writes:
>Idea to incresease classes differences :
> People from certain class could have (or get on certain level,
>perhaps randomly) special habilities, for example
>"protect magic" for wizards, "stealt" for thieves, "atturned
>restoration" for cleric, "speed" for ninjas, "armor" for warriors,
>``special ability to bow'' for elves, etc..

Been done already, to some extent.  Look at the archetypes for
Wraith, Quetzalcoatl, and fireborn character types.  but these are
good ideas.

>To get the games more equilibrated, the number of known spells could
>depend of the level (and the intelligence) but it should have also a
>spell to forgot a less usefull spell.

This is also a very interesting idea.

