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problem with setting the fontpath

    I am trying to install crossfire onto a DEC running DEC OSF/1 V3.0
(Rev.  347), but the client is having trouble fixing the fontdir. 
    I can not find the crossfire font in any of the directories, and am 
thinking that this may be the problem.  I am also running the program from 
a different machine than the Xwindows manager, could this be a problem??

thanks for any help that you may give.

| John B Oliver              | email:    |   --== voice ==--  |
| Dept. Computer Sci RMIT    | snail: 3 Stable Grove      | +61 3 782 1810 (h) |
| Melbourne (City Campus)    |        Skye, Victoria, 3977| +61 3 660 3663 (w) |