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re:Create Missile

In message "Create Missile", '' writes:

>I wrote it so I'll fix it.... Havn't had a chance to compile 5 so I can't
>so what's wrong with it offhand....
>I'll send mark I patch when I figure out whats wrong.....

   This is what I get in adb, hope it help...

_raise() from _abort+0xE0
_abort() from fatal_signal+60
fatal_signal(1,1) from rec_sigbus+38
rec_sigbus(0xA) from _sigreturn
_sigreturn() from cast_create_missile+1D0
cast_create_missile(401406E0,3,0) from cast_create_missile+1C4
cast_create_missile(401406E0,0,4001B318) from apply_special+6D4
apply_special(401406E0,40140AC0) from apply+2460
apply(401406E0,40140A00) from handle_player+18BC
handle_player(401406E0) from process_players1+12C
process_players1(0) from process_events+1C
process_events(0) from main+7C
main(2,7B033E04,7B033E10) from _start+68
_start() from $START$+9C
data address not found


 __  __/  /   /   __  /    |   /    Tuan T. Doan
    /    /   /   /   /   / |  /     IEC Layer Testing and Advance Technology
   /    /   /   __  /   /  | /      2201 Lakeside Blvd.  P.O. Box 833871
__/  ______/ __/ __/ __/  __/       Richardson, TX 75083-3871
"It's a kind of magic" -Highlander  Phone: 6-444-4575/214-684-4575
Internet:               Fax:   6-444-3716/214-684-3716