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Re: Problem with 0.91.4 version?

In message "Re: Problem with 0.91.4 version?", 
'' writes:

>|> 1. The server crashes on a average of about 3 hours.
>You're lucky. one mine it's less than one hour.
>|> 2. The map screw up on a average of 15 mins.  Some of the buildings
>|>    disappeared!  The exit in some shop disappeared because about 4
>|>    columns on the rightmost portion of the map are cleared.
>I guess the temporary directory disk is full because of too many
>crashes. Empty it and restart the server. Warn that is you save you
>character in this circunstances he/she could be crashed too (cause
>he/she is temporary saved in this dir too.)
>You could rewrite the crossloop script to let it to erase the
>temporary maps after a crash. I've my onwn version but it's OS
>dependant (for SunOS.) You could also periodicaly empty the disk.
>On my (small) temp disk (less than 10 Meg) I erased it every 12 hours
>and i still had problems with the old script. I added this line in my
>crontab(1) :
>50 18,6 * * * find /tmp ! -atime -1 -exec rm -f '{}' \;
>-- Laurent

   No can do.  Because /tmp is a share server directory.  I can only 
delete file that I owned.  Besides, I ran the server in non detach mode
and it does not create any files (that I can tell) in /tmp
   Is there a way of making crossfire not use /tmp disk at all?  I rather
create a temporary directory somewhere safe and save the temp data there.
On our server if the /tmp is full it could bring the entire server down 
and I do not want that to happen.
   Oh, kudos to who ever did the XPM stuffs; it's awesome.  Sometime it's
hard to see the foreground archetypes because it "bleed" with the background.
Maybe, if all the foreground archetypes would have a dark boundary drawn
around it, it will makes viewing a lot better.  Just a suggestion. :-)


 __  __/  /   /   __  /    |   /    Tuan T. Doan
    /    /   /   /   /   / |  /     IEC Layer Testing and Advance Technology
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