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Re: Stormbringer is wimpy

 you can only incrase the straight + of a weapon in increments of 1.  The
abilities can be increased more than that at a time.

 As such, it is impposible to create the + of a weapon that is higher
level than the character.

 As for removing stat maximums:  Is this saying that stats can go above
30, or that as long as your drink potions, your stats will keep goin

 If the former, I don't see a great need - it is pretty hard to get
30 stats as it is (and next to impossible to get more than 1 at 30
unless you do have an enchanted artifact weapon.)

 If the later, I think this would be worse.  It would el
(eliminate) one of the few things that differentiate class, and pretty soon
you would have lots of characters with very high stats.

 Also, if max stats is raised (to 50 or 100 or something), I see other
problems:  More than likely, raising a stat 1 point will not have the same
effect it does right now.  As a player, to spend 5000 GP on a potion
to get a minimal gain (a couple spell points, increase of speed of .03,
etc) would be a bit of a letdown.  Right now, at least when you drink
a potion, you see real improvement.

 As for improve scrolls, if you are a maintainer/running a server,
you can pretty easily edit the treausres file and remove whatever items
you don't wnat.

 Personally, improve scrolls were about the only thing to look forward to
once you are 15'th level or so.  You pretty much have the best armor
weapon and misc that you will get (and if you don't, then it is the luck
of that item being generated (boots of speed are very rare, but
having a lot of money won't really make you any closer.)

 With the improve scrolls, first it takes a bit of money to tart
improving the weapon, and a bit more to buy the potions and other stuff
to keep on going.  Without this, I can't really think what money would
be spent on.
